The Peace Offering Studio

Truckee, California

To the beautiful Truckee community,

I opened this studio to create a gathering place for like-minded individuals who will encourage each other to live better in the walk of our daily lives. I have had the privilege to learn from and be healed by some amazing teachers and Indigenous elders from around the world. With that profound healing comes a divine obligation to pay it forward. It is my intention to share this ancient knowledge of the Indigenous elders; to give you the tools to free yourself, to remember why you came here, to remember life is sacred. The Peace Offering is a hub for all of these amazing healers and teachers to share their wisdom with you, so you can learn the tools to clear out the cobwebs, and clear the clouds from your mind, so that it can be a clear blue sky. It is my hope that you will re-program yourselves from self-limiting behaviors and thought patterns so you can tap into your full potential to take control of your life and become free. When you tune into the frequency of Love, you are free to be creative, free to chart your own path. ALL of you have the capability to become the master of your own mind and to heal yourself. The classes and workshops at The Peace Offering studio and retreats are designed for deep healing. The healing will be physical, emotional, and spiritual, and will give you the tools and knowledge to tap into the universal Love that is always there. 

We have this energy, a certain amount of energy each day, that comes from the sun, the earth, and who(whatever) is electrically beating our hearts. It isn’t our energy; it isn’t self-generated. It is a gift from God or whatever you would like to call the universal Love frequency. Every ounce, every moment of that energy is sacred. What are you going to do with it? I hope to instill in you the desire to not waste an ounce of that energy, to be deliberate with every moment. I encourage you to be present and thoughtful, to embody love fully, and to use this energy to make the world a better place. We all must learn how to take better care of ourselves, and by healing ourselves, we can heal the earth.

I am honored to walk beside you all, to learn from you and witness the beautiful transformation that is already happening.


All my love to you,


Come gather with us—